The Child Black Series Figure

Historically we’ve been big collectors of 3.75″ scale figures, but the characters from The Mandalorian have been an impetus to shift up to 6″ scale, at least for the subset of action figures from this series. It was inevitable then that we’d grab the Black Series 6″ scale figure of The Child aka “Baby Yoda”.

The packaging for this figure is obviously smaller than standard TBS6 boxing. In fact, it was notably smaller to see this in person when I finally had it in hand (we preordered via The Warehouse, and got it at the great price of NZ$19). Some collectors have commented that the figure itself is a little under scaled … this is perhaps correct, although it is worth considering that we very infrequently see The Child standing on the ground next to other adult human characters in any episodes of The Mandalorian. In the few reference photos that exist out there, he only just comes up to Din Djarin’s knee when both are standing together.

The figure itself is nicely done for its scale. It has 7 points of articulation in total (head, wrists, shoulders, and both feet, despite being hidden under his sculpted cloak). Most of the joints are ball-articulation, giving multiple axes of movement (but his limbs do have a tendency to pop off if pushed to the limits of their range of movement).

The Child comes with a froggy snack, soup bowl, and Razor Crest lever knob. They are very small. Fortunately, these tiny accessories come in a little acrylic storage box, and they will more likely live there than try and display them in The Child’s hands, as he will probably just drop them. It would have been nice if he had come with an anti-grav pram/bed. Still, given the short-falls of figure scale and likely-to-get-lost accessories, it’s cool to have Baby Yoda along with the other characters in this range so far, and we’re looking forward to getting more 6″ scale The Mandalorian figures in the future.