SWTOR Streaming and Boba Fett Chat – Episodes 2-4

Following on from our first Twitch stream associated with the weekly episodes of The Book of Boba Fett, we’ve continued with our tradition of jumping online to play Star Wars: The Old Republic and discuss episodes after each Disney+ Boba Fett instalment concludes. We’re uploading the streamed video and conversation, where we break down our immediate post-episode thoughts for each week, to the Villa Varykino YouTube channel.
Episodes 2-4 are up now, and we’ll be going live again in the middle of this current week for episode 5. Join us on the Villa Varykino Twitch channel as we run through planetary heroics as a background to a deep dive into The Book of Boba Fett straight after the credits wrap. You don’t need a Twitch account to lurk and read chat, but sign up if you want to participate in the live chat.