SWTOR Adventures #7

August 7th to August 13th 2019
Double xp/cxp continued this week, so that’s where our focus was. I spent most of my game time working on leveling my newer toons to get them to level 70 (troopers Nalorka and Nerriko, smuggler Nadessa, and bounty hunter Kamiro).
- Our family Republic guild reached level 10.

- Banshila and Toombs both reached legend level of Dantooine Initiative reputation (maximum level) with left over rep tokens from last week’s event.

- Nalorka leveled from 43 to 57, Nerriko leveled from 49 to 60, Nadessa leveled from 54 to 59, and Kamiro leveled from 46 to 54.

- Vexi and Kaderra both reached command rank 300, completing the ‘Commanding Smuggler’ and ‘Commanding Trooper’ achievements.

- Vexi completed the ‘Korriban Invader’ achievement for completing the Korriban Invasion flashpoint 10 times in ‘Veteran Mode’.