SWTOR Adventures #2
![Star Wars The Old Republic - The Furyan Legacy](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/swtor_zhylawrakghouleventfeature.jpg)
July 3rd to July 9th 2019
This week featured the Rakghoul event, which we always enjoy. This was also the last week before Matt leaves for a work trip overseas, so we fit in as much SWTOR game time as we could! We’ve also been working on knocking off a few more achievements.
- Banshila reached the max level for the reputation ‘Imperial Forces On Iokath’, and earned the title ‘Conqueror Of The Sphere’.
![Star Wars The Old Republic - The Zar-rel Legacy](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/swtor_banshilaiokathreputation.jpg)
- Anais reached Command Rank 300, completing the ‘Commanding Agent’ achievement.
![Star Wars The Old Republic - The Zar-rel Legacy](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/swtor_anaiscommandingagent-1080x779.jpg)
- Xel’el and Toal also reached Command Rank 300, completing the achievements ‘Commanding Knight’ and ‘Commanding Inquisitor’.
![Star Wars The Old Republic - The Furyan Legacy](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/swtor_xelelcommandingknight.jpg)
![Star Wars The Old Republic - The Furyan Legacy](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/swtor_toalcommandinginquisitor.jpg)
- Kaderra finished the ‘Devotion To The Trooper’ combat achievements, which completed the achievement ‘All For The Republic’!
![Star Wars The Old Republic - The Zar-rel Legacy](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/swtor_kaderradevotiontothetrooper-1080x779.jpg)
![Star Wars The Old Republic - The Zar-rel Legacy](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/swtor_kaderraallfortherepublic-1080x779.jpg)
- Our family Empire and Republic guilds both reached level 8.
![Star Wars The Old Republic - Knights Of The Darkside guild](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/swtor_knightsofthedarksidelevel8-1080x779.jpg)
![Star Wars The Old Republic - Knights Of The Lightside guild](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/swtor_knightsofthelightsidelevel8-1080x779.jpg)
- We teamed up and fought the Rakhoul Tunnel Lurker twice! First with Azinen and Irgunn, then with Kallaris and Zhylaw.
![Star Wars The Old Republic - The Zar-rel Legacy](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/swtor_irgunnazinentunnellurker-1080x779.jpg)
![Star Wars The Old Republic - The Zar-rel Legacy](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/swtor_zhylawkallaristunnellurker-1080x779.jpg)
- Kallaris earned the ‘Catch A Ride’ achievement in her Umbara stronghold.
![Star Wars The Old Republic - The Zar-rel Legacy](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/swtor_kallariscatcharide-1080x779.jpg)
- Toralyn bought the new flair ‘Opulent Aristocrat’.
![Star Wars The Old Republic - The Zar-rel Legacy](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/swtor_toralynopulentaristocratflair.jpg)
![Star Wars The Old Republic - The Furyan Legacy](https://www.villavarykino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/swtor_zhylawrakghouleventfeature-1080x720.jpg)