Star Wars Celebration Europe 2023 Collecting Track Panel – New Zealand Collectibles

At the Star Wars Celebration Europe event in London in April 2023, we presented this panel entitled New Zealand collectibles: Tip-Top, Toltoys, “Taste the Magic“, and beyond, as part of the Star Wars Celebration Collecting Track program. It is now online for public viewing.
This version contains the same slides and details, but has had the audio re-recorded for clarity, to compensate for the ambient noise in the main convention hall where the Collecting Track stage was located. In it we discuss the range of Star Wars collectibles, companies, and promotions that are unique to New Zealand, across the eras of Star Wars collecting – topics include Toltoys figures and packaging, Tip-Top Ice-Cream promotions, Kellogg’s stickers, Twinkies stickers, Allen’s & Regina trading cards, Confection Concepts, Bing Harris Sargood Ltd, Pizza Hut, KFC, Pepsi, Mainland Products Ltd (“Taste the Magic”), Folio posters, and much more.
This was the fifth presentation I have given at a Star Wars Celebration event, and the fourth for Kristy – we very much enjoy talking about our specific Star Wars passions, and hope you enjoy this topic.

- For more details about the collectibles covered in this video, visit this SWNZ article category.
- For more about Toltoys NZ Ltd, visit this SWNZ page.
- For highlights of New Zealand Star Wars collectibles, visit – this SWNZ article category.