Quay Tolsite 3.75″ Action Figure

The detailing and costume accessories on Hasbro’s 3.75″ Force Link 2.0 Quay Tolsite action figure (from Solo: A Star Wars Story) qualify it as one of the best sculpts from the line. The chest and facial tubing, as well as the handheld keychain accessory really add depth to the toy.

We didn’t see Tolsite on the shelves of local toy or department stores, unfortunately, but I happened to be travelling to a conference recently, and my route home took me through Thailand – this harder-to-find character was in one of the airport duty free stores, at regular (non-scalper) action figure prices. I could not resist!

We’re still on the hunt for a few figures from the Solo movie (we’re tracking them over on the SWNZ Forums), but this guy is a great addition to our collection.