Premier Collection Padme’ Amidala Statue by Gentle Giant

I am so excited about today’s unboxing – the Premier Collection Padme’ Amidala statue by Gentle Giant! I have been patiently waiting for this to arrive ever since it was first revealed, and it’s finally here! As a huge Padme’ Amidala fan and collector, of course I had it pre-ordered the second it was available, and the wait was worth it.
Check out my unboxing video –
This statue is part of the Premier Collection line by Gentle Giant (owned by Diamond Select Toys). I have been collecting Gentle Giant for absolutely years now, and while I wish I could collect all of their Star Wars pieces, I tend to focus on my favourite characters like Princess Leia, Padme’ Amidala, and Rey.

This limited edition piece has a edition size of 3,000 – I’m glad it wasn’t a small run, so more fans can add this wonderful statue to their collection. I am always keen for more Padme’ Amidala items to add to my collection, and would have been devastated to miss out on this one!

Of course, the first thing I check for when opening up a new collectible – check for any flaws or damage. Thankfully damage is rare, even with international shipping, but sadly it has happened a few times. This statue arrived safe and sound – a huge relief! A quick check over all the pieces, and it’s time to assemble the statue.

This Premier Collection statue is 1:7 scale, it stands approximately 24cm tall. I have a few other Premier Collection statues, and I think this is really nice scale – big enough for a decently sized statue, but not so big as to take up a lot of display space, and space is always an issue for collectors!

Some Gentle Giant statues are assembled from a number of components, some arrive as one solid sculpt. This Padme’ Amidala statue has three pieces – the large arena base, Padme’ Amidala, and her right arm holding a blaster. So, not very tricky to put together.
Padme’ Amidala herself connects to the base with two metal pins on the underside of her left boot – this connects into place very securely. Her right arm attaches with a magnet – this also clicked into place easily, but I can wiggle the arm up and down. Personally, I am a little worried this might accidentally get knocked out of place, so I will remove that piece when moving the statue to a different display space.
The paint job on Padme’ Amidala is fantastic – the sculpt looks like her, the eyes are good, and the hairstyle is sculpted really well. I really like the details on this statue – including small elements like the texture on her belt that looks like leather, and the subtle arena dust weathering on her boots.

It was a long wait for this statue, and it was worth it. While I know some fans are frustrated that many companies choose Padme’ Amidala’s Episode II arena costume for designs featuring her (when she has so many other amazing costumes to choose from), but I realise that this scene lends itself to some great action poses. Hopefully we will see many more wonderful Gentle Giant statues featuring Padme’ Amidala’s other outfits – I know I would buy them all!
Overall, I am really happy with this Padme’ Amidala statue – I am especially fond of Attack Of The Clones, as that film sparked my Star Wars collecting journey. This statue arrived on 16th May, which coincidentally is the 21st anniversary of the release of Attack Of The Clones – a perfect way to celebrate!
Now I just need to do a bit of rearranging so I can fit it alongside my other favourite Padme’ Amidala pieces – another fine addition to my collection!
May the Force be with you!