Our Week Of Star Wars – Episode 2

Introducing – Our Week of Star Wars! A regular series where we share our Star Wars fun from the past week. Star Wars is a part of our daily lives, and we love to share our Star Wars joy with other fans. Here we share Star Wars events, collectibles, gaming, and anything else that we enjoyed this week.
This week’s episode features a video tour of some of our favourite Star Wars collectible displays, new Star Wars shows on Disney+ including Visions Volume 2 and Young Jedi Adventures, a LEGO Star Wars haul, and some Star Wars video game achievements in SWGOH and SWTOR.
Check out the full video and keep reading for a photo gallery below –
Check out this week’s events –

- Star Wars Visions Volume 2

- Young Jedi Adventures series

- DIFUZED Obi-Wan Kenobi t-shirts

- Loungefly Jar Jar Binks mini-backpack

- The Mandalorian This Is The Way Lollipop

- Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes – Saw Gerrera unlocked

- Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes – Commander Ahsoka Tano unlocked

- Star Wars The Old Republic – May the Fourth free pet BX-23 probe droid

- Star Wars The Old Republic – Matt’s new character Krayt’arr

- Star Wars The Old Republic – double xp character leveling