Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead) Mini-Bust by Gentle Giant

A random background character to many, but a favourite cantina alien of mine – this Momaw Nadon (aka Hammerhead) collectible by Gentle Giant Ltd is one of a few older, Original Trilogy mini-busts that we have in our collection. A limited edition of 1500; ours is number 427.
I really like the sculpting of this unique character – it sparks a lot of nostalgia, harking back to the first times I saw Star Wars in the movie theatre in 1977. I loved the mini-action figure back in ’78, and am pleased to have this statuette as there haven’t really been a lot of renditions of him along the way (we have the more modern era 3.7″ figures, but I’m still on the hunt for the 12″ version from Sideshow Collectibles).

My only gripe is that, according to the older Expanded Universe stories and resource material, Momaw’s species (Ithorian) were pacifist gardeners, as was Momaw himself. This makes his brandishing of an E-11 blaster a little odd… although I guess it is consistent with the vintage action figure, where blasters were common accessories whether they made sense or note. Still, I really like having another Hammerhead collectible on the shelf.