Knight of Ren TVC 3.75″ Action Figure

Will Hasbro release more Knights of Ren in either 3.75″ or 6″ scale? We don’t know for sure at this stage, but at least we’ve got one representative from that mysterious group of Dark Side acolytes.
Although not named at the time of release (the backing card for this figure only calls him “Knight of Ren”), we now know this character as Ap’Lek. He was a recognisable character amongst the Knights, in some ways, as he used a bladed weapon (Mandalorian executioner vibro-ax, crafted from beskar) that we have previously seen versions of in the collection of Dryden Vos, in Solo: A Star Wars Story, and in Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities at Galaxy’s Edge, Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

The figure itself is nicely sculpted, with layers of leather-like cape over his dark armour. The articulation serves his upper limbs well, allowing a two-handing grip of the vibro-ax, but it’s a little hard to get decent natural-looking decent poses out of his legs, particularly given the way his heavy cloak draws his centre of gravity backwards, hampering his ability to stand unaided. Never-the-less, with the aid of a pegged stand, this guy is a fun, mysterious character to have in our (currently limited, but hopefully due to grow soon) The Rise of Skywalker line-up.