Book Review – My Girls, by Todd Fisher

This week I finally sat down and read Todd Fisher’s autobiography My Girls – A Lifetime With Carrie And Debbie. Todd’s story follows his life with mother Debbie Reynolds and sister Carrie Fisher – a unique insider perspective on these famous women. From childhood, to a year after their passing, the book follows his life and his close relationship with his family. A loving and honest look at the troubles both women faced, and their incredible strength.
No such word as ‘can’t‘ in our family.
Todd Fisher
I don’t read as much as I want to (as I’m sure many of us find these days), but I knew I had make time to read this book. I settled in and soon found that I’d read for hours. It was an easy read, full of incredible stories – it may sound cliche’ but I highly recommend it to every Carrie Fisher fan. The book also includes wonderful family photos scattered throughout, and in two glossy inserts.
Although the book was first published last year, I wasn’t sure I was emotionally ready to read about Carrie’s last days – now that I have, I am glad I waited. I have read Carrie’s autobiographies, including The Princess Diarist which was published just before her death (and I read afterwards) – but there was an added emotional weight in Todd’s book, an honest behind-the-scenes account of her struggles, which shares his family’s grief with the world.
I’m still not sure why Carrie’s death can still, after several years, easily make me cry when I read or talk about it. Perhaps one day I’ll be better able to articulate what Carrie Fisher and Princess Leia mean to me. In the mean time, she will always always be my hero and inspiration. In the book, Todd shares that Carrie had this quote from the film Heartbreak Ridge painted over her bed –
Adapt! Overcome! Persevere!
As soon as I finished reading the book, I printed out that quote, with a silhouette of Princess Leia underneath, and pinned it to my bedroom wall. A daily reminder of Carrie and her legacy of inspiring me through both her on-screen characters, and her own personal journey.
Thank you Todd, for sharing your story with us.