Boba Fett in Disney Magic Kingdoms

Boba Fett has arrived in Disney Magic Kingdoms! The latest game update to the Disney Park app game is themed on season 2 of the popular Disney + series The Mandalorian. As a longtime Disney Magic Kingdoms player and Star Wars fan, I was so excited to see more of my favourite characters added to the game!
The game already has characters and content from The Mandalorian. A prior event featured characters from season 1 – The Mandalorian, The Child, Kuiil, Cara Dune, and Greef Karga. This new expansion includes three prominent characters from season 2 – Ahsoka Tano, Fennec Shand, and of course Boba Fett.
Rather than a standard style event with a storyline, these characters are available through a ‘Cascading Critters’ event, where you battle three tiers of creatures to earn milestone prizes including Fennec Shand and Boba Fett, while Ahsoka Tano is the ‘premium’ character, available via in-game currency or direct app store purchase. The event runs for 9 days, and requires a fair amount of game time to complete – as it takes time to manage the three tiers of activities, each earning tokens for the tier above, which ultimately lets you unlock Boba Fett as the final grand prize. There are also leaderboards for each tier, where your progress is ranked against other players for the chance to earn additional prizes.

I purchased Ahsoka Tano – as a favourite character of mine, I had to have her in my park. She helps a lot with completing the event on time, and I really didn’t want to miss out on the final prize. I have all of the Star Wars characters and attractions in the game (including the rare Marauder Shuttle attraction), so I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss out on her or Boba Fett for my collection.

The first tier requires a simple tapper – 5 blurrgs appear in the park every two hours, and tapping/collecting 50 of these grants the milestone reward of Fennec Shand. She is an awesome new Star Wars character – she first appeared in season 1 of The Mandalorian, then the animated series The Bad Batch, and will be a central character in the upcoming series The Book Of Boba Fett.

Collecting tokens from the first tier blurrg tapper event, players can work on the second tier – ice spiders. This is where Fennec Shand is really useful, working alongside Kuiil and C-3PO in this phase. Milestone rewards for ‘thawing’ 90 ice spiders for this tier include x2 Star Wars legendary chests, which may contain Star Wars characters, attractions, and concession stands (if you have all the existing sequel trilogy and Mandalorian characters/attractions, then these chests only contain concession stands).
Tokens earnt from tier 2 are then used to fight the 3rd and final tier creature – Reptavians. The milestone reward for wrangling 50 reptavians is Boba Fett himself. This is where Ahsoka Tano is very helpful, used alongside C-3PO and the Mandalorian. These flying creatures are quite large within the game, certainly one of the biggest ‘temporary character and/or tapper’ additions I’ve seen (along with the Heffalump Balloons).
As this event is themed on season 2 of The Mandalorian, Boba Fett wears his outfit from that series – but as this game has a system for different outfits/costumes, I would love to see a classic original trilogy version (ESB/ROTJ etc) or his new outfit for The Book Of Boba Fett.

I was really happy to be able to complete this event with time to spare. Obviously it takes a bit of time and dedication to achieve the final character in Disney Magic Kingdoms events, so now I can take it easier now with my 3 new Star Wars characters unlocked. The token quests to level up these new characters conflict with the event tasks, so for now I am still collecting the three tiers of creatures in the hopes of earning some leaderboard rewards. When the event ends, I’ll get stuck into leveling these characters up!
May the Force be with you!