Black Series 6″ Cara Dune Action Figure

As long-standing 3.75″ action figure collectors, we historically only tended to pick up selected characters from Hasbro’s 6″ Black Series line. That changed when Disney+ launched and the hype of season one of The Mandalorian hit… it didn’t take long for us to find ourselves falling down the Black Series rabbit hole, chasing all of the characters from that hit show. This may have been in part due to the lack of 3.75″ Mandalorian representation early on. Either way,
During the early days of The Mandalorian series in NZ, the main characters were, on the whole, fairly easy to source, including the Carbonized versions. In fact, briefly, it was easier to grab hold of a Carbonized Mandalorian than a regular release version.
Following on from grabbing key characters like Din Djarin and IG-11, we made sure we got hold of Carasynthia “Cara” Dune, the Rebel Alliance shocktrooper from Alderaan.

As many will know, the Black Series 6″ Cara Dune is now a little harder to find, and it looks like that will be the case moving forward. Nevertheless, she’s a great representation of the on-screen character, complete with heave assault blaster, blaster pistol, and vibro-knife, and we’re very glad to have all the main heroes from season one all locked in to our collection. Coming soon to our Villa Varykino YouTube channel we’ll be doing a bit of an unboxing of more season one and season two characters as we fill out our Black Series Mandalorian line-up.