About Us

Villa Varykino is the Star Wars collection of Matt and Kristy (with a couple of other favourite franchises thrown in from time to time). Our mutual interest of collecting and photography lead to starting this blog in 2016 as a way to catalogue and showcase our ever-growing Star Wars collection. Our blog will highlight items from our collection, events we attend, and other Star Wars hobbies we enjoy.
We first met in 2004 through our shared love of Star Wars – which is part of our daily lives together. Our joint collection now spans our entire home, with Star Wars items in every room, including life size droids and costume displays, collectables and artwork. We run the Star Wars New Zealand website, and are long-time members of the 501st Legion and Rebel Legion costuming clubs. We have been interviewed on NZ national television, radio, newspapers and magazines about our love of Star Wars, costuming, and collecting.
In 2006, we got engaged at Villa Balbianello in Italy – the filming location for Padme’ and Anakin’s first kiss and wedding scenes from Episode 2 (our story was included in this StarWars.com article). It was the perfect location for two Star Wars fans to start their journey together.
As well as collecting, we both enjoy many other Star Wars fan hobbies – gaming (mostly SWTOR and SWGOH), reading the novels and comics, creating and collecting costumes and prop replicas (check out our screen-used prop collection on YourProps.com), hosting local fan meetups, and traveling to the Star Wars Celebration conventions (when we can).
May the Force be with you!